1. The Sequel Factor

  From left to right: Midget, pedophile, legend.

What do Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Twilight, Sembilu and Evolusi KL Drift have in common?

Even though Darth Vader, Edward Cullen and Gollum may protest about being mentioned in the same breath of those films, they still share one particular characteristic with Awie and Diana Danielle (she's smoking hot, ok?) that cements their box-office success. No, it's not because of their good looks. If I haven't included Edward Cullen, that point may still be arguable. Darth Vader's helmet looks good. But, Edward Cullen. Seriously? Even Gollum looks better than him for goodness sake.
Hot gile kan?
Yeah, some of you guys may have guessed it right. All four of them have sequels. The Lord of the Rings came in a trilogy package. Star Wars started off with a trilogy and followed it up with another trilogy of prequels. This would cause the audience to flock in millions to the cinemas after years of anticipation for a sequel. Film producers know this. They always keep an open ending in their films to allow some possibility for a sequel in the future. Even my childhood guilty pleasure "Silat Lagenda" did it. Although its sequel never seem to quite materialize, it basically shows how every producer loves sequels. More films equals to more money. Whether it's more money received or more money spent, I don't really want to know.

This brings me to 2 Alam. I know the storyline and the script can be improved should they do another sequel. They can hire new scriptwriters and directors. They can go urban with the cinematography. They can invest more on CGI. Heck, even the whole casts can undergo a total makeover in order to attract more audience. They can even change the whole theme from a faggotry based film to a horror psycopathic serial killer movie while keeping the franchise name intact. Imagine a serial killer having to live 2 lives due to his Multiple Personality Disorder. A little bit like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. That would surely make a good storyline.

But the question now is, how would Datuk Dr Rozmey name the sequel?

2 Alam 2?
2 Alam II?
II Alam 2?
II Alam II?

That would just be pure awesome. They sound like a bunch of policemen interacting with each other using walkie-talkies. "Bola 1 ke bola 2, over". "Roger and out". Even the way each letter is crafted possesses their own aestethical value. Mirror image or palindromic, you decide.

2. The Datuk Dr Rozmey Factor

Richard Zanuck once stated, "The producer is like the conductor of an orchestra. Maybe he can't play every instrument, but he knows what every instrument should sound like." If that's so, then Datuk Dr Rozmey is definitely one hell of a talented dude. His personality ticks every check box that is needed to be a successful film producer. 

White suit on dark background. Way to emphasize on yourself.

Datuk Dr Rozmey surely can play every instrument. He can even be the face of his own marketing strategy. Who needs expensive models when you have Datuk Dr Rozmey. No one can sport the white suit and rock it the way he did. 

A man in bow ties can hold anything pink.

And then the bow tie. Effing marvelous. As we all know, only uber-cool people would dare to use bow ties. According to the Wikipedia, bow ties originated from Croatian mercenaries of the 17th century. And we know that Croatians are super awesome. Nikola Tesla arrived in the States from Croatia before wreaking havoc among the Engineering students all around the world nowadays with his findings. The Guinness World Records for "The longest distance traveled by moonwalking" is also held by a Croatian. This just goes to show how wicked Croatia is.

3. The Thumb-ups Factor

I don't know if you guys have learned about the term "subliminal messaging" before. Basically, it works by flashing a few visual images for a few miliseconds before our brain can process them. However, Datuk Dr Rozmey upgraded this technique in order to provide us with a better and more effective way of manipulating human brains. Instead of flashing the images for a miniscule amount of time, he simply put the picture out in the papers and magazines and let the audience decide by themselves on how long are they going to stare at the picture.

By giving this flexibility factor towards the audience, we will consequently start developing a strong sense of trust towards Datuk Dr Rozmey. After finding out that we have been manipulated by Freemasonry and the Illuminati through the quickie image method for all this while, I have became more careful in what I choose to look at. Every picture is examined meticulously in order to find the possible Masonic signs. But after spending 5 days and 13 hours analyzing this picture trying to find these evil signs, I found NOTHING.

I've wasted 133 hours on this.

Except for the fact that it made me think that Datuk Dr Rozmey is an awesome person. That's when I realized. This is exactly what Datuk Dr Rozmey has planned all along. He intentionally misdirected me to look for those Illuminati related signs so that I will spend hundreds of hours looking at him giving the thumb-ups in each one of his photos. Thumb-ups mean good. Good means awesome.  

Datuk Dr Rozmey = Awesome

How did I miss that? Reverse psychology to its max. Datuk Dr Rozmey is superb indeed.

4. The Wingdings Factor

Inspired from the article about the Wingdings equivalent for the flight number of the plane that hit the World Trade Centre translates into an image of a plane hitting twin towers accompanied with the Star of David, I decided to try typing 2 Alam down into my Microsoft Office Word 2007.

Holy shit!

Basically this signifies that if we watch "2 Alam" (pair of glasses), we will find out that it is extremely fantastic (2 thumbs-up) and would make us extremely happy (smiley face). After watching the film, we will be able to consider ourselves as champions (cup) because only champions would want to watch this film. It is in our nature. A film made by champions for champions. We all are born to be winners. The losers can go hate all they want because they know that they can never be champions like us!



  1. Dude. Try translating ROZMEY in Wingdings.

    You'll shit brix!

    Illuminati all along, buddy. NEW WORLD ORDER FTW.

  1. Hahaha. I've tried that while I was writing this blogpost. Looks too evil. I wouldn't want to put my idol in a bad light, am I?

  1. I think if you expose to his fans that he is one of us Freemasons, it would add to the coolness factor!

    By the way, I heard that the sequel (God forbid) will be entitled "3 Alam" and the final installation will be "Alam: Pengembaraan Bermula", which is sort of like a prequel.


  1. Hahaha. People have been bashing him a bit too much dude. You know me. I'm not the one who will just jump on the bandwagon following the trends. I always choose something different.

    LOL. Alam: Pengembaraan Bermula would be awesome. Trilogy it is then. But one thing bothers me. If 2 Alam means swinging both ways, then what would 3 Alam mean? Buttsecking some chickens?

  1. That is so obvious! 3 Alam refers to going for both AND Dr Rozmey. He is in a league of his own! You can't simply associate dR with us lowly, common people! Hahaha

    Oh, and I'm lovin' your Croatia references. LOL

  1. Darn it. How could I forget that. Dr Rozmey is a gender of his own. Hahaha..

    Now I realize that it took a lot of effort to write this sort of things. Those 4 points cost me 3 hours that I may never get back. Maybe I should give up blogging. XD

  1. haha... so fast give up... easy read than write u know.. now can you value your text book more.. haha... nak suruh baca susah beb...

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